Along with the all-nighters and all-day parties, a semester spent studying abroad is one of the best things about college. Picking a destination may be the hardest part of getting ready to study abroad. This experience opens one’s mind to other cultures while learning new languages, meeting different people, engaging in unique teaching styles, and escaping the outrageous college fees.
If you are currently without a birth certificate, you may not notice it in your day to day life. After all, for most people, it sits in a box in the closet or a folder in their desk marked “important papers” and very rarely sees the light of day. The one time you’re sure to notice that you’re missing a birth certificate, however, is the one time that you need it and you find yourself in deep trouble as a result of being without it.
The school year has just begun, and you’ve vowed to keep things organized. The trouble is, you don’t know how you’re going to do it. Starting on the right foot means having all of the required documents for the school year. That means giving the school a birth certificate copy, immunization records, and emergency contact information. School paperwork will soon be pouring in. Create a foolproof organization plan to stay on top of your game this school year.
March 2020